[Libreoffice] [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Update of the localization files

Olivier Hallot olivier.hallot at documentfoundation.org
Tue Dec 28 05:07:28 PST 2010

Hi Sophie

Em 28-12-2010 09:30, Sophie Gautier escreveu:
> Hi Olivier,

> Is there somebody working on the new Brazilian strings already in OOo?
> Or are we sure that the strings have not been touched?

Last time I paid a visit on their pootle server it seemed to me nobody 
was working on, or is very late. I have not checked further. The L10 
lists does not mention new translation leader.

>> It may be quite hard to make difference between a *new* (m90) translated
>> string and an old one.
> This is why I ask: do we merge Libo with the last dev versions or do we
> work on the last SDF file only (I think it's OOo330m9) because it is now
> two completely separated products?
> The amount of work is and will not be the same for us and if possible,
> it would be great if we have some plans on this to organize/optimize our
> time and our work.

My best (and non-educated) guess for the moment is to import feature by 
feature of our interest, toghether with the appropriate strings.

Olivier Hallot
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