[Libreoffice] High Contrast Cleanup

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Thu Nov 11 03:14:54 PST 2010

Just so it doesn't get lost. Attached is the patch that moves all
hi-contrast icons as per hicontrast-icons-to-theme.pl (or whatever it is
called in solvenv/bin) to it's own theme directory. This patch should
not yet be applied until the corresponding changes are being checked in
for the makefiles at the same time.

I am currently building a clean build and will try to come up with the
makeline.mk patch to install those icons (retiring
hicontrast-icons-to-theme.pl at the same time). It is weird to have a
script to fish out some icons to put them in a separate directory,
rather than separating them out in the first place.
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Name: 0001-Move-all-hicontrast-icons-to-a-separate-theme-direct.patch.bz2
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Desc: bzip'd patch file for the artwork repo
URL: <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/attachments/20101111/1d752f91/attachment-0001.obj>
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