[Libreoffice] Question on translation for 3.3

Andre Schnabel Andre.Schnabel at gmx.net
Tue Oct 5 02:04:26 PDT 2010


can some of the developers verify if my idea on what to do to get 100%
translations for LibO 3.3 is correct?

- in general we use translations (.sdf) files from the OOo repository. We are going to include latest translation fixes, which are currently prepared
in CWS ooo330l10n4

- strings for additional our features are in build/po and have diffent
coverage per language

- translators should pick the respective ooo-build-<lang>.po bring it to 
100% and commit to git repository (or let someone commit the file)

- translations will then be picked up by the build process from these files

please correct me, if I misunderstood something :)


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