[Libreoffice] Build Error: Mac OS X

Joseph Powers jpowers27 at cox.net
Thu Oct 7 20:56:09 PDT 2010

Ok, it looks like someone changed the way text strings are handled...

File: build/build/libreoffice-

void AboutDialog::InitDialog()
   // setting the dialog properties
    OUString pNames[] = {
        rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "BackgroundColor" ) ,
        TKGet( TK_Closeable ),
        TKGet( TK_Height ),
        TKGet( TK_Moveable ),
        TKGet( TK_PositionX ),
        TKGet( TK_PositionY ),
        TKGet( TK_Title ),
        TKGet( TK_Width ) };

    Any	pValues[] = {
        Any( sal_Int32( 0xffffff ) ),
        Any( sal_True ),
        Any( sal_Int32( ABOUT_DIALOG_HEIGHT ) ),
        Any( sal_True ),
        Any( sal_Int32( 113 ) ),
        Any( sal_Int32( 42 ) ),
        Any( getString( STR_ABOUT_VERSION2 ) ),
        Any( sal_Int32( ABOUT_DIALOG_WIDTH ) ) };
    sal_Int32 nCount = sizeof( pNames ) / sizeof( OUString );

    Sequence< rtl::OUString >	aNames( pNames, nCount );
    Sequence< Any >				aValues( pValues, nCount );

    rtl::OUString sBitmapPath( getPath( TK_BitmapPath ) );
    rtl::OUString sBitmap( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/aboutlogo.png" ) );
    rtl::OUString sURL( sBitmapPath += sBitmap );

    mxDialogModelMultiPropertySet->setPropertyValues( aNames, aValues ); 
    sal_Int32 nWidth = getMapsFromPixels( 387 );
    if ( nWidth )
        mxDialogModelPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Width ), Any( nWidth ) );
        nWidth = ABOUT_DIALOG_WIDTH;

//    int nHeight = (int) getMapsFromPixels( 95 );

    InsertImage( *this, rtl::OUString( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "aboutimage" ) ), sURL, 0, 0, nWidth, 60 );
    InsertFixedText( *this, rtl::OUString( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "fixedtext" ) ), getString( STR_ABOUT_PRN ), 9, 66, nWidth - 18, 50, sal_True, 0 );
//	InsertSeparator( *this, rtl::OUString( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "separator" ) ), 0, 0, ABOUT_DIALOG_HEIGHT - 25, nWidth, 8 );
    InsertButton( *this, rtl::OUString( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "button" ) ), mxActionListener, ( nWidth / 2 ) - 25, 120, 50, 14, 1, STR_OK );

The above code files to compile because STR_ABOUT_VERSION2 & STR_ABOUT_PRN are not defined. As far as I can determine, getString( ) expects a reference number telling it which string to pickup. If someone could point me to where these IDs/Strings are stored, I'd be really happy.

Joe P.

PS: I did a quick grep of all *.hxx and *.cxx files and these is the only reference in all the source to these tags.

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