[Libreoffice] Replacing LO SVG handling with OpenOffice code?

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Mon Dec 5 14:17:27 PST 2011

Hi Alex,

On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 17:35 +0100, Alexander Wilms wrote:
> Just to quickly introduce myself: I'm Alex and I mostly take part in 
> discussions on the design mailing list.


> I just discovered that Apache OpenOffice now uses a new implementation 
> to handle SVGs natively. Since there are a lot of bug reports in LO 
> regarding broken SVGs I'd think using their code would be the best 
> solution. What do you think?

	Sure - sounds reasonable; Armin's a sharp guy and does some great work;
IIRC the core code needed some improvements to make this work really

	A couple of things need sorting out that will make this miss our 3.5
release: first the feature-freeze is ~today. Second - we need to get the
licensing situation sorted out; as/when Oracle have finally finished
re-licensing under AL2, and we have an MPLv2 out - we'll do the audit /
digging work to re-license our code-base MPL/LGPLv3+ (on top of AL2). At
that point we'll be able to cherry-pick such things from AOOI easily

	So - sorry for the delay :-) but it does look like a nice improvement,
for sure.

	All the best,


michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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