[PATCH] attempt to migrate old config from XDG path and home dir

Petr Mladek pmladek at suse.cz
Tue Dec 6 11:58:56 PST 2011

IMPORTANT: it does not work because it do the migration in the second run;
it first check the newly created location and migrates in into itself

we might need something similar to fix problem with set XDG path
 desktop/source/migration/migration.cxx           |   58 ++++++++++------------
 desktop/source/migration/migration_impl.hxx      |    1 +
 officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/desktop/source/migration/migration.cxx b/desktop/source/migration/migration.cxx
index 7520eb8..639fea8 100644
--- a/desktop/source/migration/migration.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/migration/migration.cxx
@@ -533,6 +533,23 @@ static FileBase::RC _checkAndCreateDirectory(INetURLObject& dirURL)
         return result;
+void MigrationImpl::checkConfiguration( install_info &aInfo, const ::rtl::OUString aUserInst, const ::rtl::OUString aVersion)
+            fprintf(stderr, "test path: %s\n", ::rtl::OUStringToOString (aUserInst, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).pData->buffer);
+            try
+            {
+                INetURLObject aObj(aUserInst);
+                ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment > () );
+                aCnt.isDocument();
+                aInfo.userdata = aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
+                aInfo.productname = aVersion;
+            }
+            catch (const uno::Exception&)
+            {
+            }
 install_info MigrationImpl::findInstallation(const strings_v& rVersions)
     install_info aInfo;
@@ -554,40 +571,19 @@ install_info MigrationImpl::findInstallation(const strings_v& rVersions)
             ::rtl::OUString aUserInst;
             osl::Security().getConfigDir( aUserInst );
+            aUserInst += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/")) + aProfileName;
+            checkConfiguration( aInfo, aUserInst, aVersion);
 #if defined UNX && ! defined MACOSX
-            const char* pXDGCfgHome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
-            // cater for XDG_CONFIG_HOME change
-            // If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set then we;
-            // assume the user knows what they are doing ( room for improvement here, we could
-            // of course search the default config dir etc. also  - but this is more complex,
-            // we would need to weigh results from the current config dir against matches in
-            // the 'old' config dir etc. ) - currently we just use the returned config dir.
-            // If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is NOT set;
-            // assume then we should now using the default $HOME/,config config location for
-            // our user profiles, however *all* previous libreoffice and openoffice.org
-            // configurations will be in the 'old' config directory and that's where we need
-            // to search - we convert the returned config dir to the 'old' dir
-            if ( !pXDGCfgHome && aUserInst.endsWithAsciiL( XDG_CONFIG_PART, sizeof( XDG_CONFIG_PART ) - 1 )  )
-                aUserInst = aUserInst.copy( 0, aUserInst.getLength() - sizeof(  XDG_CONFIG_PART ) + 2 ); // remove trailing '.config' ( but leave the terminating '/' )
-            if ( aUserInst.getLength() && aUserInst[ aUserInst.getLength()-1 ] != '/' )
-                aUserInst += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/"));
-#if defined UNX && ! defined MACOSX
-            // tribute to whoever had the "great" idea to use different names on Windows and Unix
-            aUserInst += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("."));
-            aUserInst += aProfileName;
-            try
-            {
-                INetURLObject aObj(aUserInst);
-                ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment > () );
-                aCnt.isDocument();
-                aInfo.userdata = aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
-                aInfo.productname = aVersion;
-            }
-            catch (const uno::Exception&)
+            // we switched to XDG_CONFIG on Linux; try older configuration paths in $HOME
+            if (aInfo.userdata.isEmpty())
+                osl::Security().getHomeDir( aUserInst );
+                // the old paths were directly in $HOME and thus prefixed by .
+                aUserInst += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/.")) + aProfileName;
+                checkConfiguration( aInfo, aUserInst, aVersion);
diff --git a/desktop/source/migration/migration_impl.hxx b/desktop/source/migration/migration_impl.hxx
index 2d079ae..9a6e483 100644
--- a/desktop/source/migration/migration_impl.hxx
+++ b/desktop/source/migration/migration_impl.hxx
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ private:
     bool          alreadyMigrated();
     migrations_vr readMigrationSteps(const ::rtl::OUString& rMigrationName);
     sal_Int32     findPreferedMigrationProcess(const migrations_available&);
+    void          checkConfiguration( install_info &aInfo, const ::rtl::OUString aUserInst, const ::rtl::OUString aVersion);
     install_info  findInstallation(const strings_v& rVersions);
     strings_vr    compileFileList();


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