[Libreoffice] ecofont

Simos Xenitellis simos.lists at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 6 15:26:28 PST 2011

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Robinson Tryon
<bishop.robinson at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 4:55 PM, 810d4rk <810d4rk at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, may I ask if it is possible to include ecofont
> > (www.ecofont.com/assets/files/ecofont_vera_sans_regular.zip) in
> > libreoffice?
> >
> Hi,
> Thank you for your suggestion. Do you have further information about
> the licensing of that font?
> The only external information about "ecofont" licensing that I could
> dig up is here at debian:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=509594
> I looked at the EcoFont FAQ, but most of their licensing information
> seems to be for per-site or per-seat arrangements:
> http://www.ecofont.com/en/help/ecofont/faq/0022.html
> For LibreOffice to consider the inclusion of a font, it will need to
> be available under terms compatible with the project's licensing:
> http://www.libreoffice.org/download/license/
> The EcoFont toner-saving concept is pretty nifty. If the licensing can
> be straightened-out, it's definitely worth considering for inclusion.
Their font is based on Bitstream Vera,
which has full information + FAQ about licensing.

You can ask them if they are happy to have Ecofont bundled with LibreOffice.
If they are not happy, then we have the right to get the font and rename to
something else (per license).

My only concern with this is the glyph coverage. The old Bitstream Vera
font covered partially the basic Latin
Unicode blocks. Due to this, the DejaVu project took Bitstream Vera and
added full Latin, Cyrillic and Greek, and many more Unicode blocks (see
http://www.unicode.org/charts and http://dejavu-fonts.org/wiki/Main_Page ).

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