[Libreoffice] build error

Matteo Casalin matteo.casalin at poste.it
Fri Dec 9 10:23:57 PST 2011

Hi Winfried, please find my comments below.

On 12/09/2011 05:10 PM, Winfried Donkers wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have just got a new computer, which should make LibO much faster than my old machine does :) .
> Unfortunately, I get a make error:
> .../core/solver/unxlngi6.pro/bin/cppunit/cppunittester: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/liboxygen-gtk.so: undefined symbol: cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle
> ...
> make[2]: *** [.../core/workdir/unxlngi6.pro/CppunitTest/hwpfilter_test_hwpfilter.test] Error 1

If I remember correctly I had the same problem when first trying to 
build LibO on kubuntu 11.10 (thus in a KDE environment) and I solved it 
by disabling Oxigen style in System settings panel, more precisely in 
"Application Appearance"/"GTK+ appearance"/"Widget style", and setting 
it to Raleigh. Probably I also rebooted the machine before trying to 
build LibO again. This solution will probably affect the appearance of 
LibO itself. I didn't test other configurations, my machine is much 
slower than yours.

Hope this helps, let me know if you find better solutions.


> Possibly I haven't installed all I need yet, but I wouldn't know what is missing.
> I use openSUSE 12.1, installed all packages with zypper si -d libreoffice plus some more based on errors when running autogen.sh --with-max-jobs=6 --with-num-cpus=6 --without-junit (untill autogen.sh gave a successfull result).
> Can anyone give me a hint how I can get LibO built?
> Winfried
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