[Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5

Jonathan Aquilina eagles051387 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 05:51:53 PST 2011

>> Conclusion
>> LO 3.4.4 works like a charm but won't detect Java 7;
> 	Right there is no support there.

Today I noticed something funny I am testing out Ubuntu 12.04 which is 
quite rock solid already. I have both the openjdk 6 and 7 jre and jdk's 
installed. Yet when running autogen.sh on master it would pick up java7 
and not java6. Is it possible to set something to where it will pick up 
the version of java being 1.6 or greater?

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