[Libreoffice] Cups.h Missing

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at t-online.de
Tue Dec 13 12:18:22 PST 2011

Hi Joel,

Joel Madero schrieb:
> I've never used dnl check before, can you give me a quick tutorial or link
> me somewhere?
> Bug I'm trying to fix is this:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/831305
> You can see my section under jmadero, that's what I'm trying to pintpoint.
> I'm installing version 2.1.0 from OOo to see if the bug still exists, if it
> doesn't I'll start comparing code to see if I can find out why it currently
> exists, part of compiling from source is just to get the experience, also
> this way if I make a patch or an alteration I should be able to recompile
> relatively easily.

The problem comes up, because the default setting has changed from 
inserting space between number and text to inserting a tab. The changes 
in numbering where made from OOo2.4 to OOo3 together with the change 
from ODF1.0/1.1 to ODF 1.2. A hint to some of the changes are in [1] and 

Currently the tap stop position of the anonymous predefined styles are 
the same for all kind of numberings. Perhaps it is possible to use 
different positions or even kind of separators for the different 
predefined anonymous styles. For the named styles an improvement is not 
quite so urgent because those users who work with named styles are 
likely able to change the settings by themselves.

The problem is connected to the claim, that the indent don't work for 
numbers with more than one digit for example in numbering kind (#).

[1] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=89178
[2] http://specs.openoffice.org/writer/numbering/NewListLevelAttrs.odt

Kind regards

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