[Libreoffice] template "missing"

David Tardon dtardon at redhat.com
Mon Feb 7 00:29:09 PST 2011

On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 02:10:13AM -0500, Arno Teigseth wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 07:44 +0100, David Tardon wrote:
> > ... exists yet, it just points to a nonexistent file. LibO sees the
> > (symlink) file, so it doesn't allow to import a template with the same
> > name, but it cannot open it as a template, so it doesn't list it in the
> > dialog. Elementary, my dear Watson.
> Yes well it wasn't my meaning to complain on that, that part's quite
> logic.
> What I wondered was if it would be a Good Idea or a Bad Idea to be able
> to just import a template overwriting an existing one with the same
> name, instead of having to do the double operation of 1) deleting the
> old template 2) importing the new template?

IMHO it is a Good Idea.


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