[Libreoffice] 2 questions

Julien Nabet serval2412 at yahoo.fr
Thu Jan 20 23:18:45 PST 2011


I' ve got these 2 questions :
After a make, make dev-install. If I found a problem with LO, can I just 
do this :
- source Linux...
- go to the module I suppose there's the pb
- make the change
- build && deliver
- make dev-install
Or must I :
- remove the directory of the install
- make the change
- make (global make so)
- make dev-install

I try to debug the problem of the Alt key for Linux (when Alt key is 
released, it opens the file menu)
I think (I'm not sure) the problem is in vcl in the unx part (since it 
impacts only Linux not Windows and I don't know for Macs). I try to make 
changes but it's not easy for me to know where it is.
Is it possible to launch LO in console with debug mode ?
When i test something in LO gui, I'd like to see the call methods 
(ideally with parameters) in console.
I checked on the page : 
http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/How_to_debug, but I found 

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