[Libreoffice] [PATCH] Replace DBG_ with OSL in writer and remove debug.hxx

David Tardon dtardon at redhat.com
Mon Jun 27 23:49:51 PDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 10:48:36PM +0200, Jacek Wolszczak wrote:
> Hi,
> BTW, does anyone use DBG_PROFSTART and DBG_PROFSTOP or could these be
> removed altogether?

They are used for profiling. I do not know if anyone here knows about
their existence, so it might well be the simplest thing to remove them
and be done with it :)

As an alternative, they can be probably replaced by RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT
(see sal/inc/rtl/logfile.hxx). But I admit I have never used it, so
consider this just hand-waving :)


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