[Libreoffice] [PATCH] [PUSHED] Code cleanliness

Christina Roßmanith ChrRossmanith at web.de
Wed Mar 2 12:35:30 PST 2011

Pushed partially modified (a few bugids were found inside a sentence - 
modified those that they are still complete meaningful sentences without 
the bugid / found some additional bugids and removed them as well).

Thank you,
Christina Rossmanith

Am 28.02.2011 00:05, schrieb Guillaume Poussel:
> And then, the same job in calc (1/3)
> 2011/2/27 Guillaume Poussel<gpoussel at gmail.com>:
>> Better with files attached :)
>> 2011/2/27 Guillaume Poussel<gpoussel at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please find attached 2 patches in base/ which clean useless comments up.
>>> Regards,
>>> Guillaume
>>> (still under LGPLv3+/MPL)
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