[Libreoffice] [libreoffice-design] [PATCH] color charts

Bernhard Dippold bernhard at familie-dippold.at
Sun Mar 27 14:52:38 PDT 2011

Hi Rob, all,

(CC'ing the dev list again, as this relates to both parts of the discussion)

Rob Snelders schrieb:
> Hi All,
>> [this was me, Bernhard]:
>> Just one question, as I can't try the feature by myself:
>> Do you provide the same confirmation window as the standard color
>> selector in Options - LibreOffice - Colors when removing a color:
>> "Do you want to delete the color?"
>> Or is it different like "Do you want to remove the color from the
>> default colors?"
> There is no confirmation yet. But I am refining the patch because of
> improvement proposals from the developers-list, so if some changes are
> needed I can implement them on the follow-up patch.

If it would be easy to add such a confirmation, this would make the 
feature not only more consistent with other areas where items are 
removed (like the colors I mentioned above).

For a user who pushed the button unintentionally it might be a problem 
to add the right color again - leading to inconsistent colors in his or 
her charts.

And with a double click instead of a single one not only the superfluous 
color is removed, but the next or last one too.

So if it is not too hard to add the confirmation (perhaps you can copy 
it from Options - LibreOffice - Colors), it would be great if you could 
include it in your patch.

Best regards


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