[Libreoffice] ExcelToSc / ExcelToSc8

Chr. Rossmanith ChrRossmanith at gmx.de
Fri May 13 13:14:43 PDT 2011


at the moment I'm having a look at ExcelToSc and ExcelToSc8 and have the 
feeling that there is some amount of duplicate code...

During comparison of methods ExcRelToScRel and ExcRelToScRel8 I've 
wondered if it shouldn't be nRow instead of nC in the initialisation of 

void ExcelToSc8::ExcRelToScRel8( sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nC, 
ScSingleRefData &rSRD, const sal_Bool bName )
     const sal_Bool        bColRel = ( nC & 0x4000 ) != 0;
     const sal_Bool        bRowRel = ( nC & 0x8000 ) != 0;
     const sal_uInt8        nCol = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nC);


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