[Libreoffice] Please, review the patch to baside2b.cxx on 17-Feb-2011

Noel Power nopower at novell.com
Mon May 23 02:17:34 PDT 2011

On 20/05/11 15:53, Clio wrote:
> Please, see here, that the patch actually added 1 line:
> http://svn.services.openoffice.org/opengrok/diff/DEV300_m106/basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx?r2=%2FDEV300_m106%2Fbasctl%2Fsource%2Fbasicide%2Fbaside2b.cxx%40275666%3Ad11c441ed074&r1=%2FDEV300_m106%2Fbasctl%2Fsource%2Fbasicide%2Fbaside2b.cxx%40273924%3Ada255a63b325

Thanks for a clearer diff, the first one sent was too confusing to look at
So, you point to http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=108119, 
to be honest I find the bug confusing ( the habit of mixing many 
different even if they seem related bugs in a single report is never a 
good idea ) worse still the information in there is conflicting as to 
which buttons work and which buttons don't.
But, it seems in summary Cntrl+Z didn't enable the toolbar redo, Andreas 
made some patch and it it didn't fix things completely, I hope that is 
an accurate.
Now we move onto bug https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37405 
which you think is somehow related to the patch you mention. Have you 
tried without it ? because somehow I doubt that it could be responsible 
for it. So, as to whether it makes sense to just remove this ( 
especially as a point of urgency ) is debatable.
However as a crasher undoubtedly we need to look at this in more detail.



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