[Libreoffice] minutes of tech steering call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at novell.com
Fri May 27 03:47:46 PDT 2011

	+ Rene, Kohei, David, Andras, Cedric, Bjoern,
	  Caolan, Kendy, Petr, JoeP, Mitch

* AA done:
	+ get post-3.4 schedule into the wiki pwrt. 3.5 (Petr)
	+ look into notifing of package updates (Kendy)
		+ URL is already setup in openoffice.lst
		+ http://update.libreoffice.org/ProductUpdateService/check.Update
		+ current ver from User Agent
        + research when gio came into widespread being (Caolan)
AA:		+ provide current versions to Caolan (Fridrch)
	+ post single-git-repo plan to the dev list (Norbert)
	+ investigate reviewboard and come up with a more concrete proposal (Bjoern)
		+ switch to gerrit as/when we have a single git repo.

* AA still pending:
        + the rdb setup stuff is still too cumbersome (Bjoern)
	+ get SmartArt into master as an experimental feature (Thorsten)

* Agenda:
	+ Action items
AA:		+ Kendy looking at lighting up the update reminder service
	+ Releng bits
		+ 3.4 release status / RC2 (Petr)
			+ up-loading now variously
			+ some annoying bugs expected in 3.4.0
			+ communication needs to be clear about point
			  zero releases, and 3.4.1 coming in a month.
		+ 3.3.3 reminder (Petr)
			+ commit fixes until Monday (Thorsten, Michael, Andras)
AA:		+ chase licensing for misc. commits (Rene)
		+ QA update / most annoying bug skim (Rainer)
AA:		+ 3.5 schedule check (Caolan)
	+ Mark Shuttleworth / LibreOffice 'insight' heads up:
		+ please do not publish this link [!]:
			+ http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/442782/3ae47a032d1d653d/
	+ re-visit periodic libreoffice-3-4 merge to master decision (Bjoern)
		+ Bjoern:
			+ keep merges back to master as a security measure
			+ but keep developers on master
		+ Thorsten
			+ not so useful: discuss later - for the next release
		+ Bjoern / Norbert
			+ unusual to work on stable and cherry pick to master,
			  usu. the other way around
		+ Michael / Kohei
			+ aggressive re-factoring on master
			+ fixes on stable, developers working there & stabilising
			  around release time.
		+ Kendy
			+ cherry picking master to branch, history ends
			  up looking weird
			+ Mea Culpa - about to merge m106
		+ Should switch to pure cherry-picking at some stage ...
			+ no - Kendy / Rene
			+ merging 3.4 to master, still possible, cherry-picking
			  more pain
		+ 3.4 a special case ? (Bjoern)
			+ future branches, look at cherry-picking
			+ master worse than expected, cf. m106
		+ keep process as is: (consensus)
			+ more efficient for developers time
			+ re-visit for 3.5
		* need to communicate desired stability of master more clearly

	+ concerns wrt. patch merging process / overhead (Bjoern)
		+ depend on gerrit ?
		+ easy to loose track of what is pending on list
		+ happy to get patches, but can

	+ onegit
		+ discussion going well
		+ artwork - merge it in, helps wrt. cleanup
			+ Thorsten, Bjoern, Kendy - whack it in.
		+ help - separate, hopefully migrating elsewhere over time.
			+ Kendy - not merge it
		+ merging later looses tags
		+ cleanup of tab/space too - 48hours
AA:			+ post small, fast C program for review ... (Norbert)

 michael.meeks at novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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