old registrymodifications.xcu is overwritten by LO3.6dev

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at t-online.de
Mon Apr 2 03:18:58 PDT 2012

Stephan Bergmann schrieb:
> [putting libreoffice@ back on cc, assuming you dropped it inadvertently]

Yes. (I don't like the settings of this mailing list, but it is the tool 
of the main developers and I need to take it as it is.)

> On 04/02/2012 11:23 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:
>> Stephan Bergmann schrieb:
>>> On 04/02/2012 10:41 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:
>>>> Stephan Bergmann schrieb:
>>>>> On 03/31/2012 02:10 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:
>>>>>> Is it intended that the old registrymodifications.xcu is overwritten?
>>>>> registrymodifications.xcu typically gets re-written with every run
>>>>> of LO
>>>>> (even usually being re-written multiple times during a single run). It
>>>>> changes whenever data that is stored in the configuration changes
>>>>> -- be
>>>>> that "Tools - Options" entries explicitly modified by the user, window
>>>>> positions/sizes implicitly modified by dragging things around, or ...
>>>> It is about the fact, that all existing entries are lost. I had a 947KB
>>>> file and after installation of LO3.6 it is 36KB. Even die fields "User
>>>> Data" are empty.
>>> On Windows?
>> Yes, on WinXP.
>> There was an issue with LO migrating existing user data onto
>>> itself (in which case it would drop most existing content of
>>> registrymodifications.xcu), but that should be fixed on master for a
>>> month now, see
>>> <http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=76e0d695a41326a5583dbc9702e0ce3b8219b514>
>>> "Move migrateSettingsIfNecessary into create_user_install" and
>>> <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2012-February/027058.html>
>>> "User installation migrated onto itself."
>> I have pulled the source on Friday, so that's included. Is it possible,
>> that it fails because the old one was a normal build and the new one is
>> a debug build?
> So you have a "LO3.5dev" and a master build sharing a user installation
> (what are the respective UserInstallation values in the two
> bootstrap.ini?).

No, I only have "LOdev 3.6". "LOdev 3.5" was removed during installation 
of "LOdev 3.6". Therefore I have expected that the settings were migrated.

In bootstap.ini is
ProductKey=LOdev 3.6

I cannot look in LOdev 3.5 because it was uninstalled. But LOdev 3.6 
uses the same "user"-folder. Other things like Basic macros are retained.

  Debug vs. non-debug should not matter. Would be
> interesting to know what branch your master build takes in
> UserInstall::finalize (desktop/source/app/userinstall.cxx), what
> UserInstallStatus it returns, and whether it indeed goes into the
> conditional
> if (inst_fin == UserInstall::Created)
> {
> Migration::migrateSettingsIfNecessary();
> }
> in Desktop::Main (desktop/source/app/app.cxx).
> Stephan

Kind regards

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