JPEG image opens differently on LibreOffice from on various Microsoft software -- bug or not?

Brennan T Vincent brennanv at
Tue Aug 14 10:56:03 PDT 2012

The JPEG image at is noticeably
lighter in LibreOffice (for
Windows and Linux), Chromium (Linux) , Chrome (Windows), GIMP, and
eog; and noticeably darker in MS Paint, Internet Explorer 10, and MS
Publisher 2013. I think maybe the apps in which it is lighter all use
the same libjpeg, but I'm not sure.

I don't know if the free programs or the Microsoft programs are right
about this, so I'm not sure whether to file a bug in LibreOffice, in
some upstream JPEG library, or not at all. I would appreciate it if
someone with more knowledge of JPEG could advise. Please let me know
if I can give you any more information.

Note for Valek:
This is the root cause of the color problem in that
you identified.

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