[PATCH] Base: fix incorrect field removal in criterion inside query design view

Olivier Ploton olivier.ploton at univ-tours.fr
Wed Dec 12 13:53:07 PST 2012

Problem: you cannot type a field name inside a criterion
if the field name is also the column name, even if it is qualified.

For example (see attached file: pairs.odb), 
Query pairs_SQL can not be generated using query design view :
Inside first column, named "name", typing in something like
   < [Table_1].[name]
   < "Table_1"."name"
inside a criterion leads to an error.

I prepared a patch. I hope it is correct and useful.
Here is my idea about it:

When you change a criterion and validate, Base calls
OSelectionBrowseBox::SaveModified() in "SelectionBrowseBox.cxx".
There is a big "switch" statement. Criterion is default case.
The text is parsed to a syntax tree (OSQLParseNode*) an back to text
via OSQLParseNode::parseNodeToPredicateStr
calling  OSQLParseNode::impl_parseNodeToString_throw in "sqlnode.cxx".
impl_parseNodeToString_throw simplifies output by removing
column name, but it should be removed only at the very beginning.

The output is written in a string buffer.
The patch relies on the buffer being initially empty.
Actually, the patch would also transform 
[name][name]text      into     text,
but this kind of input is impossible (syntax error).

Olivier Ploton
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