[PATCH reworked] Reduced duplicate code (simian) / l10ntools

Ivan Timofeev timofeev.i.s at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 00:03:15 PST 2012

06.02.2012 00:13, Chr. Rossmanith пишет:
> I've added a third parameter nType to ResData2Output() (s. reworked
> attached patch)

The following string concatenation argument have to be passed as a 
parameter as well.

+            if ( pResData->bText )
+                sOutput += pResData->sTextTyp;
+            else if ( pResData->bQuickHelpText )
+                sOutput += "QuickHelpText";
+            else if ( pResData->bTitle )
+                sOutput += "Title";

Otherwise, it would be always chosen from the first true branch.


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