R: R: Building LibreOffice on Windows

walter w.guerrieri at ranocchilab.com
Thu Feb 16 09:50:10 PST 2012

A few weeks ago I spoke by telephone with Italo Vignoli (The Document Foundation) explaining my needs and the work that I hope to do.


On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 18:24 +0100, walter wrote:
> My only problem is knowing whether to invest my time in 'cygwin' or Linux.
> I need to build a customized version, and the new code will be 
> returned to the community

	It depends what you want to achieve. If you want to get a bug fixed that is not Windows specific, your quickest and easiest route is to build inside a Linux virtual machine.

	Otherwise - you get to try to configure a windows machine with cygwin, and just the right mix / versions of the compilers etc. and this will take a man day+ to get right :-) Because it is proprietary OS, compilers, downloads etc. we can't do ~anything to make that easier for you (which sucks). Of course, the more people that build on windows, the better it will become (to some limit caused by the above) - so help appreciated.

	Anyhow - welcome to the project & I look forward to seeing your work / helping you out with some code pointers.



michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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