Unused solenv tools - can I remove these?

Tim Retout tim at retout.co.uk
Sat Feb 18 13:54:40 PST 2012

Could someone help me figure out whether these solenv tools are used
anywhere?  :)  I'm trying to shrink the LO Perl line count.

Probably unused:

concat-deps.pl   # recently replaced with a C implementation
convertlinks.pl    # specific to api.openoffice.org
oochkpatch        # Never called?
oochkpatch.pl     # Used only by oochkpatch
touch.pl             # 4nt support was removed in ae0228c

Possibly unused:

cleandiff.pl   # used in 'create_patch' target of
solenv/inc/tg_ext.mk, but I can't find 'create_patch' in any
makefiles.  Is this likely to be called manually?

Look unused, but probably aren't:

make_download.pl # looks like it ought to be really important, from the name
remangle32to64.pl # Committed in Jan 2011, seems relevant to w64 porting.

Tim Retout <tim at retout.co.uk>

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