[PATCH] Translated german comments in sw/source/core/layout/

David Vogt david.vogt at adfinis-sygroup.ch
Tue Feb 21 07:24:11 PST 2012

On 21/02/12 16:09, Philipp Weissenbacher wrote:
>> Started from the other end, patch 22 and 21 are pushed to master.
> Nice!
> Attached are my reviewed patches (don't have commit access :-( ).
> It's my first review, hopefully I did everything right.
> I also replaced the bits that seemed like too literal translation with.
> And an extra kudos for translating "spaltiger
> Bereichsfrischling". That's just unfathomable to me ^^.

Yeah, there were quite a few interesting words around :)

> Just asking: Is there a specific reason to highlight negations with
> capital letters (e.g. NOT)?

Not really. It is mainly a habit of mine because I sometimes overread
such things when tired or in a hurry and thus interpret them totally
wrong. You may of course use "normal case" if you think it's better that
way :)

-- Dave

Adfinis SyGroup AG
David Vogt, Software Engineer / Project Manager
Keltenstrasse 98 | CH-3018 Bern
Tel. 031 381 70 47 | Direct 031 550 31 12

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