Getting debug symbols from single module

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at
Mon Feb 27 13:18:33 PST 2012

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your replay and sorry for my late one...

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 10:51, Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at> wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> On Wed, 2012-02-22 at 00:48 +0100, Albert Thuswaldner wrote:
>> The old way of getting debug symbols from just a single module:
>        That is odd ...
>> i.e "cd module && make -sr clean && make -srj4 debug=t"
>        Ok ?
>> doesn't seem to work anymore.

Hmm, asking the right questions is obviously an art form of it's own. ;)

I should simply have asked for confirmation that this still works, i.e
if it was worth carry on poking at this or not.
Sorry for the noise.

>        I always use debug=true but that's prolly just superstition ;-) make
> help and the gnu/dmake files suggest that non-empty is fine.
>> make <module> -sr debug=t
>> make <module> debug=t
>> make <module> ENABLE_SYMBOLS=true
>> Someone who knows how this is done now?
>        It should continue to work. What do your compile lines look like ? ie.
> omit the '-sr' - do you get the -g and -O0 you want ?

Ahh, yes that would have been a great "tell".

I ended up doing a full re-build with symbols enable and now the
debugging works. The next time I do a full re-build I will poke at
this some more. It will probably show problem being between chair and
keyboard. ;)


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