[GSOC] ODS Row height import

Noel Power nopower at suse.com
Tue Jun 26 03:34:29 PDT 2012

On 26/06/12 10:35, Eike Rathke wrote:
>> >I'm not sure if we need to recalculate the row height in case of
>> >style:use-optimal-row-height
>> >  but that is something we can figure out later. Except for this case I
>> >currently see no reason why we would need to calculate row height but
>> >Kohei or Eike may have an idea.
> I'm Cc'ing also Noel here, he lately tuned row heights for Excel
> import/export and might have some insights to share.
unfortunately not, for the xlsx import is was simply a case of mimicing 
the binary import for Excel where we inhibit the Automatic row height 
during import ( as it results in differing row heights between orig & 
imported document ), for export iirc it just was plain broken ( but 
don't remember any specific issue with optimal row heights ) I wish I 
had something more constructive to add :-( sorry


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