Android: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException from Unable to create Content
Tor Lillqvist
tml at
Fri Mar 30 08:48:29 PDT 2012
Argh, I think I know the problem. My own mistake...
I forgot to execute the run-time binary patching of a bug in the NDK's
shared GNU C++ library... without that patch, catching exceptions
thrown in another shared object doesn't work.
I am experimenting with
, which unlike the unit test stuff in android/qa/sc does not use a
subclass of Android's NativeActivity (or of our Bootstrap class,,
which is a subclass of NativeActivity).
Thus android_main(),
doesn't get executed. And it's android_main() that calls
So I just need to call (its JNI wrapper)
Bootstrap.patch_libgnustl_shared() and cross-shared-library exception
handling should work fine. Knock on wood...
Yeah, I probably should move the patch_libgnustl_shared() call to the
setup() function, so that it isn't forgotten so easily...
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