feature/gbuild_merge needs testing
Norbert Thiebaud
nthiebaud at gmail.com
Sat May 26 10:22:44 PDT 2012
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 6:28 AM, David Tardon <dtardon at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The number of modules newly added to tail_build is not as good as I
> expected--only 9, if I counted correctly.
I ran module_dep on gbuild_merge...
for postprocess the parent list looks like (note: (*) indicate a gbuild module)
n_th at tpamac /Volumes/TBRAM/core
$/Volumes/Raid0/dev-tools/modules_dep/modules_dep -p postprocess -u
Error: dependency helpcontent2 of module postprocess does not have a
known build.lst associated to it (I did not have helpcontent2 hence
the message)
+ tail_build (*)
+ xsltml
+ external
+ soltools
+ solenv (*)
+ xmlreader (*)
+ sal (*)
+ cppunit
+ boost
+ xml2cmp (*)
+ offapi (*)
+ idlc (*)
+ registry (*)
+ store (*)
+ salhelper (*)
+ udkapi (*)
+ codemaker (*)
+ cppu (*)
+ ure (*)
+ stoc (*)
+ libxslt
+ libxml2
+ jvmfwk (*)
+ comphelper (*)
+ officecfg (*)
+ ucbhelper (*)
+ cppuhelper (*)
+ jvmaccess (*)
+ ridljar (*)
+ rdbmaker (*)
+ remotebridges
+ javaunohelper (*)
+ unoil (*)
+ cli_ure
+ bridges
+ jurt (*)
+ io (*)
+ binaryurp (*)
+ unotest (*)
+ qadevOOo (*)
+ tools (*)
+ i18npool (*)
+ cpputools (*)
+ regexp (*)
+ i18nutil (*)
+ icu
+ sax (*)
+ expat
+ basegfx (*)
+ o3tl (*)
+ zlib
+ sysui
+ setup_native
+ l10ntools (*)
+ clucene (*)
+ berkeleydb
+ rhino
+ readlicense_oo
+ icc
+ xpdf
+ vigra
+ twain (*)
+ saxon
+ stax
+ sane (*)
+ redland
+ openssl
+ python
+ postgresql
+ moz
+ nss
+ neon
+ mythes
+ hunspell
+ mdds
+ lpsolve
+ libvisio
+ libwpg
+ libwpd
+ libwps
+ libxmlsec
+ libexttextcat
+ libcmis
+ curl
+ libcdr
+ lcms2
+ jpeg
+ jfreereport
+ apache-commons
+ tomcat
+ hyphen
+ hsqldb
+ graphite
+ freetype
+ fontconfig
+ cairo
+ libpng
+ beanshell
+ afms
+ stlport
+ nlpsolver (*)
+ mysqlc
+ mysqlcppconn
+ languagetool
+ pyuno
+ dictionaries
+ more_fonts
+ testtools (*)
+ odk
+ unodevtools (*)
+ autodoc
+ udm
+ cosv
+ librsvg
+ gettext
+ glib
+ gdk-pixbuf
+ libgsf
+ libcroco
+ pango
+ extras
+ epm
+ embedserv (*)
+ ct2n
+ crashrep
+ shell (*)
+ binfilter
unotest parents give:
n_th at tpamac /Volumes/TBRAM/core
$/Volumes/Raid0/dev-tools/modules_dep/modules_dep -c unotest -u | grep
-v "(\*)"
Error: dependency helpcontent2 of module postprocess does not have a
known build.lst associated to it
+ postprocess
+ instsetoo_native
+ binfilter
+ crashrep
+ pyuno
+ cross_toolset
since binfilter is already treated separately (i.e wait for tail_build
to finish)
unotest can be integrated... on the other hand it seems quite a few
module use it without telling their build.lst they do... so their can
be partial build issue
twain (*)
+ tail_build (*)
+ postprocess
+ packimages (*)
+ instsetoo_native
+ binfilter
+ extensions (*)
ditto for sane.
so they can be merged in tail_build I think
nlpsolver, embedserv and testttols are directly dep of postprocess and
nothing else.. they can be put in tail_build.
module_dep is in contrib/dev-tools/module_dep
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