Filipino / Tagalog language version

Peter Rathgeber prathgeber at
Thu Nov 1 01:37:57 PDT 2012

Gentlemen, ladies,

we are a small software house located in the Philippines. As stern
followers and users of LibreOffice (now v 3.6.2) we always were
surprised that there is no Filipino / Tagalog language version
available. Could you inform us whether someone is working on this
translation already, of, if not, how we could get involved in doing it
for you?

We have a team of translators (also for Spanish) and would love to do
our part to further the reach of LibreOffice.

With best regards

Peter Rathgeber
mobile: +63 9292865522 (Philippines)
            +60 1115749736 (Malaysia)
email:   prathgeber at
            prathgeber at
            rpeter at

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