static clang source code analysis (Code Review Requested)

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at
Mon Nov 5 04:36:56 PST 2012

Hi John,

On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 02:45:22AM +0100, John Smith <lbalbalba at> wrote:
> Here's a clang static source code analysis of the latest git sources :

I know this is a clang report and not the lcov one, but -- can you
please put up the commands you use to generate these reports to the
wiki, or (maybe even better) add two scripts like
bin/generate-lcov-report and bin/generate-clang-report, so that
developers can easily create them, too?

I'm asking as right now new testcases are usually added only for new
code. If we could generate the lcov report locally, then testcases could
be easily added for old code as well, and we could see the how the new
testcase improves coverage *before* pushing the (possibly pointless)



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