Change in core[master]: restore --enable-symbols option again -- was FYI: Cleanup of debug options

David Ostrovsky david.ostrovsky at
Thu Nov 8 03:15:02 PST 2012

On 07.11.2012 22:02, David Ostrovsky wrote:
> So to reflect what these options mean exactly one should name it as 
> follows:
> enable-symbols: --enable-symbols-and-preserve-optimization
> enable-debug: --enable-symbols-and-disable-optimization
> enable-dbgutil: 
> --enable-symbols-and-disable-optimization-and-enable-debugstl-and-enable-trace-facility
> Given that we don't want to rename two last options, we are trying to 
> find a new (less confusing and not so long) name
> for the first one:
> --enable-symbols-and-preserve-optimization
> Ideas?
After some discussion the candidates are:

--enable-symbols (just leave the old name in place)



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