minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Nov 29 08:45:57 PST 2012
* Present:
+ Lionel, Andras, Kendy, Eike, David, Michael S, Joel, Caolan,
Fridrich, Kohei, Bjeorn, Ahmad, Petr, Michael M, Astron,
Norbert, Thorsten
* Completed Action Items
+ look into adding CUPS PDF vs. PS UI setting / config option (Caolan)
+ added a nice global option for this, a 4.0 feature.
+ packaging upgraded python for Mac (Cloph / Michael S)
+ Tor has built it, packaging issues pending
+ work with Ahmad to get RTL code pointers (Thorsten)
+ build RHEL5 VM for new 4.0 linux baseline (Caolan)
* Pending Action Items
+ create a new AmbitiousHacks wiki page, based on GSOC page (Michael M)
+ minimal triage for good mentors for proposed easy hacks (Bjoern)
+ grok the list of contributors for suitable certified hackers (Kendy)
+ work on mail to encourage them to get certified (Kendy/Stephan/Bjoern)
+ after feature freeze ...
+ disable Rhino / Beanshell unless in experimental mode (Michael)
+ turn them back into extensions and disable by default ? (Caolan)
+ requires bundling scripting .jar (Michael S)
+ check stlport situation with DudenCorrector (Thorsten)
+ called twice, left voice messages -> Thorsten
+ add completed technical 4.0 changes to features wiki page (Michael)
* Release Engineering update (Petr)
+ 4.0 timeline: Monday: feature-freeze ...
+ branch/tag planned for Tuesday
+ please check tinderboxen and fix problems of late commits:
+ please let Petr know if you're late
+ no code review required for bug fixes in Beta phase.
+ 3.6.4 rc3 update
+ renamed rc3 due to minor tagging bug
+ already synched to staging, to mirrors tomorrow.
+ passing generic / Linux builds onto RedHat (Caolan)
+ built RHEL5 VM for new 4.0 linux baseline
+ building nicely for a single language
+ currently use (vanilla): binutils 2.18, gcc-4.2.4 (Fridrich)
+ working on a 64bit VM too (Caolan)
AI: + get binary signing key to Caolan (Fridrich/Thorsten)
* Munich hack-fest retrospective (Thorsten)
+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Munich2012
+ thanks to all attendees
+ three entirely new contributors over the weekend
+ lots of existing guys hacking good things
details of some achievements in the wiki
* UX input (Astron)
+ discussions ongoing with Cedric around Templates dialog
+ do we do button re-ordering automatically yet ?
+ no - need a button-box impl. that re-orders (Caolan)
+ then ~little work needed in .ui files.
+ need to resurrect janneke's work here
+ for now retain the old ordering for consistency
+ in general move vertically stacked ok/cancel/help
to bottom/horizontal button-box for dialogs.
* default configure options
+ default to options with no sub-modules (Kendy)
+ disable help, dictionaries by default
+ love it (Bjoern)
+ ideas for checks on server side to roll-back
that stuff
+ Norbert wrote a nice wiki page here:
+ gnome-vfs turned off by default to help buildability
+ kept for RHEL4 - but RHEL5 perhaps better ? (Fridrich)
+ not enable gio ?
AI: + tweak these defaults (Kendy)
* close remove un-used methods easy-hack ? (fdo#52622) (Caolan)
+ perhaps they're not easy anymore ?
+ still one or two - perhaps the RTF cut/paste will help.
+ drop easy-hack ? leave it as people in the know.
* Certification Committee update (Kendy/Stephan/Bjoern)
* 4.0 completed tasks:
+ binfilter - removed completely (Norbert)
+ removes legacy StarOffice 1.0->5.0 binary filters
+ leaves .sxw .sxi etc. zip formats
+ dropped migrationAnalysis (Norbert)
+ obsolete, not-built, code removed now
+ not removing Lotus Word Pro filter
+ no good technical reasons to.
+ should we switch to native gtk+/print for 4.0 ?
+ no: not complete for some features yet (Dtardon)
+ un-publish entire Accessibility API
+ upgrade bundled python to 3.3 (Michael S)
+ Mac / 10.4 / PPC dropping (Norbert)
+ document: deprecate 10.4/5 and raise base-line to 10.6 ?
+ just needs adding to the wiki.
* 4.0 pending tasks
+ binfilter:
+ warn on legacy file-types with helpful dialog (needs owner)
+ drop legacy / STLport in 4.0 outright ? (Stephan)
+ decide: if ok with them -> drop stlport for 4.0
+ drop Mozilla mess in the tree:
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56902
+ lots of cleanup in configure
+ un-publishing selected IDL interfaces (Moggi)
+ if we know some interfaces may change soon, or are
badly designed should un-publish them soon.
+ Kohei wants to un-publish the pivot API.
+ remove Accessibility API use / sample from odk.
+ MSI file re-name to be renamed for 4.0 LibreOffice
+ also rename the Linux download tar-balls (Fridrich)
+ and Mac packages.
+ causes some pain for download scripts (Thorsten)
+ getting installer up on download list, other
shuffling is painful
+ LibO not a great truncation - branding-wise.
AI: + persuade Thorsten of final resting place goodness (Kendy)
+ update base-line compiler for release builds to 2010 or 2012 ...
+ 2012 can't build on WinXP anymore
+ updating to 2010 is a reasonable choice; Java support
means we have to ship the runtime - so saves on our
run-time / download size.
+ Java 6 - linked vs. 2008 run-time ? (mst)
+ query from Fridrich
AI: + decision upgrade baseline to VS 2010 - as per tinderboxes (Fridrich)
+ should we continue supporting VS 2008 ? (Tor)
+ not drop it yet - Express builders use it (Fridrich)
+ privatize store/ API - hide that wherever possible (?)
+ no headers installed anyway (Stephan)
+ librelogo - include but not as an extension (Timar)
+ package it on Linux separately in scp2 (Bjoern)
+ transition done, to an internal package (Timar)
+ training materials / school bits ... blogging ?
+ reservations around PDF import de-extension-ising (Bjoern)
+ now easy to make into an optional deb/rpm (Stephan)
+ print dialog (Bjoern)
+ Till wrote a 2x page bug-description in Ubuntu bugzilla
+ either all clients need to retro-fit discovery to native
dialogs to use Bonjour, or ... fork CUPS or ... complete
the gtk+ print dialog migration so it uses that.
+ otherwise no network printers.
+ we use the native Mac print dialog for CUPS there ...
+ pending next release ... (4.1) ?
+ user migration path thought / testing (Petr)
+ should work, but can't test with dev-builds
+ have a magic place for inner-circle QA guys ?
+ also introduce a test build with release configuration ?
+ confusion around wording ? (Stephan)
+ have a libreoffice3 user-profile and migrate
to a lodev4 profile.
+ that should be done anyway ?
+ some naming mismatch (Petr)
+ can we not make more people do migrations (Michael)
+ migration works from normal -> devel build
+ but not perfectly.
+ not reporting bugs, but can be installed in parallel
+ could we allow 4.0 to be installed in parallel with 3.x ? (Petr)
+ inconclusive.
+ com::sun::star::util::struct DateTime should be extended to ns (Lionel)
+ internal timestamp structure - needs more precision
+ problems in corner-cases in 'base'
+ for full ODF support need better precision
+ concerned wrt. the change - used in 30x interfaces (Michael S)
+ not binary compatible.
+ this case - struct not sufficient (Stephan)
+ better to change the struct rather than duplicate 30x interfaces
+ can only be happy to break it.
+ concerned wrt. potential C++ extn's crashing that use this (Michael S)
+ ideally have an in-proc bridge that handles this compat, ideal
default value here.
+ prefer to have split ns (Lionel)
AI: + come up with a proposal for next time (Stephan, Michael S, Lionel)
* LibO forum / moderators:
+ request for help ... forums going on-line soon,
+ anyone interested, be good to have some experts moderating
+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Forum-planning#Moderators
* Proposed easy-hacks -> Easy Hacks (Joel)
+ developers need to decide what to do next
+ punting for a month ?
+ re-visit finding devs to build code-pointers for these:
* Hard Hacks:
+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/HardHacks
+ mostly suspended until post 4.0 release.
* QA update (Joel)
+ beautiful BSA updates - asking users to help with triage
after updates (thanks Rob Snelders)
+ pre-populating version / component etc. too
+ test-run for localised BSA is coming ...
+ submit will go to the mailing-list instead, for
non-English speakers.
+ triage backlog has grown
+ QA team meeting / ideas for fixing that
* Open 4.0 MAB / regressions
+ 10 (of 34) older 11/31 6/21 4/18 3/16 3/14 2/13
29% 35% 29% 22%
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=54157&hide_resolved=1
* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
+ 32 (of 153) older 31/152 33/150 34/148 35/145 33/139 30/132 27/127 44/139
21% 20% 22% 23% 24% 24% 23% 21% 32%
* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
+ 64 (of 279) older 65/279 65/278 69/278 69/279 75/278 77/279 78/278 81/279
23% 23% 23% 25% 25% 27% 28% 28% 29%
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=37361&hide_resolved=1
* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 197(+6) bugs open of 936(+19) total
* ~Component count net *
+ Writer - 85 (+4)
+ Presentation - 20 (+1)
+ Database - 19 (+2)
+ Crashes - 18 (-1)
+ Drawing - 12 (-1)
+ LibreOffice - 11 (+0)
+ Spreadsheet - 11 (+0)
+ Borders - 9 (+0)
+ Migration - 5 (+0)
+ Basic - 2 (-1)
+ Writer / RTF - 2 (-1)
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
+ Migration tracker: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43489
michael.meeks at suse.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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