ccache for windows

Tor Lillqvist tml at
Wed Sep 5 22:27:33 PDT 2012

> But is it normal that ccache on 3.6 branch only uses 3Gb ? I find it very
> low, compared to all binary files produced.

ccache of course, over time, fills up the cache space it is allowed to use
(up to approximately 10% below it, it seems). That's the whole point of it.
An under-utilized cache is a wasted cache. ccache doesn't use magic, it
can't know if some cached object file has been "obsoleted" forever, so it
keeps them as long as there is space.

On my Linux box, where I build for Android maybe once a day, with
debugging, and quite occasionally for Linux:

cache directory                     /home/tml/.ccache
cache hit (direct)                368163
cache hit (preprocessed)           94352
cache miss                       1121108
called for link                    93840
multiple source files                 93
compile failed                     47552
preprocessor error                  7596
couldn't find the compiler            92
bad compiler arguments              5288
unsupported source language          433
autoconf compile/link              64967
unsupported compiler option       165727
no input file                     398434
files in cache                     51223
cache size                          18.0 Gbytes
max files                         500000
max cache size                      20.0 Gbytes

I have no idea what the age distribution of the cached object files are.
Perhaps ccache -s should tell that too, in some suitable fashion..., like
50% of files are older than N days, 10% older than M days.

On the other hand, on a tinderbox, with dozens of builds per day (for three
cross-compilation targets), without debugging, with cache accumulated for
maybe two weeks, it still hasn't filled up the maximum space of 20 GB I
gave it:

cache directory                     /home/android/.ccache
cache hit (direct)               9725802
cache hit (preprocessed)           94058
cache miss                        229024
called for link                   492953
multiple source files               1570
compile failed                    980552
ccache internal error                  2
preprocessor error                 33103
bad compiler arguments             59830
unsupported source language         7953
autoconf compile/link             531055
unsupported compiler option      1568175
no input file                     467468
files in cache                    197527
cache size                          14.8 Gbytes
max cache size                      20.0 Gbytes

Actually, the "unsupported compiler option" is a bit high there, isn't it?

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