requeat for mentoring myself on GSoC [ My new proposal ]

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Thu Apr 11 10:12:50 PDT 2013

Hi, Gopi,

Gopi M schrieb:
> Hello sir,
> i am studying CSE at Jaya engg college. I am recently participated on
> IBM software developing contest. Now i would like to participate on
> GSoC 2013. I am using Linux  for past 5 years. I am very much
> interested in software developing.
> I have an idea of improve on libreoffice at one thing.
> i.e if we open a document and start to work on it. While working on
> the document, if we made any mistake(s), suddenly we possible to go
> back to previous version of that document by "undo" action or pressing
> "CTRL+Z" shortcut. But if we close the current session window, and
> open a document again, it will look last modified doc right. Now if we
> feel to undo the document to previous version ( i.e initial stage or
> some stage) it is not possible to do it.

If you want versions, then you can generate them by File > Versions.

> i am having this idea, when we open a particular document, it will
> point the opening time and current document look. it will mark the
> points at every time we saving document. When we want to restore
> document, we just use these any points to restore a particular
> document on previous version.

The additional part would be to generate a version automatically on saving.

More important is to fix the current bug, that versions cannot be load 
using the 'version' field in the open dialog.

Kind regards

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