minutes of ESC call ...

Alex Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 00:17:06 PDT 2013

Le 11/04/2013 19:44, Michael Meeks a écrit :

> 	IIRC it is a matter of either encouraging someone to re-compile the
> extension, -or- just installing the legacy stlport DLL on the system
> [ IIRC ].

>From what I understand of the situation :
- the connector needs to be rebuilt by a volunteer for a 4.0.x release build

Dan Lewis did this for Linux 32 and 64 bit, I think and made them
available on the extensions website ;

Nothing was done for OSX, possibly one of my older ones (from pre-4.1
dev builds) might still work with LO 4.0.x.

Nothing was done for Windows and LO 4.0.x

> 	IIRC someone was working on a new connector using the (compatible)
> MariaDB connector library that has a sensible license that we can
> distribute built-in [ which would be ideal ].
> 	Not sure of the progress of any of that though, if you're interested -
> it's worth keeping note of whomever was doing the work so you can poll
> them later - can you dig all of that out of the archives and follow up ?

For LO 4.1, Fridrich has done the work for libmariadb integration, and
so far as I can see this builds and (still) works on OSX, Linux
32/64bit, and possibly Windows, as he was originally focussing on
getting it to build in Windows from what I recall.

I don't know whether the buildbots automatically build the connector or
not (because I don't build with the defaults on master), my guess is
probably not, at least not on OSX.

I am not aware of any separate MariaDb connectors for future LO4.1 on
Windows, or any other OS for that matter, that is currently available
for download.

Perhaps Fridrich can tell us more.


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