Help needed for fdo#63311

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Sun Apr 14 13:34:35 PDT 2013

Hi Christina,

Christina Roßmanith schrieb:
> Hi,
> if you add text (e.g. "abc") to a shape like a smiley, save the
> document, delete the text and save again the text is still present in
> the saved file. Closing the drawing isn't necessary.
> If you don't save the drawing after adding the text but delete the text
> and save the drawing afterwards the text isn't present in the written file.
> In shapeexport.cxx at line 242  "if( &&
> !xText->getString().isEmpty())"   xText->getString() evaluates to "abc"
> if the drawing was saved even if the text was deleted. So I guess
> "something happens to the text" during saving (because saving is
> necessary to trigger the wrong behaviour) and this something isn't
> updated properly if the text is deleted.

Saving is not necessary. As I commented in the issue, you can see when 
you look at the shape with a macro, that the content is not erased.

The error is not in load/save but must be somewhere earlier.

Kind regards

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