registry and extension problems on master 4.3 Linux 64bit

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Thu Dec 19 02:27:35 PST 2013

On 12/18/2013 11:10 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
> I noticed yesterday that the OSX build currently fails when trying to
> download any of the extra extensions, including SmartDiag, from the host
> where the oxygenoffice extras are hosted. However, this does not happen
> on my Linux 64bit machine, and am at a loss to why that might be, other
> than a problem with the Mac version of curl ?

I noticed in the past that downloading external stuff from 
<> very often fails, 
apparently due to problems on the server side, independent of client OS. 
  Might be a coincidence that it succeeded when you tried on Linux (or 
did that build already find he files downloaded to external/tarballs/ 
from a previous build?) but failed when you tried on Mac.


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