Request to modify Commit #7142 about CSV import

Stephan van den Akker stephanv778 at
Thu Dec 19 13:25:26 PST 2013

Laurent BP stated:
> This is a problem for all locales which uses comma as decimal separator. In
> this cases, even if ".CSV" files are used, the comma cannot be used as
> column separator.

Eike Rathke replied:
> Not true. The comma can still be used as separator, just the field
> values need to be enquoted if they contain a comma. Which we do.

Enquoting values may be done by LO, but lots of third party programs do not.
Dutch software often produces files with commas for decimal separators and
other characters as field separators (e.g. semicolons).

As stupid as this may seem, even software provided by the Dutch government
(like works like this.

I'm afraid Calc will be rendered almost useless for Dutch users if un-enquoted
commas are treated as field separators...

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