Request to modify Commit #7142 about CSV import

Eike Rathke erack at
Fri Dec 20 04:08:15 PST 2013

Hi Stephan,

On Thursday, 2013-12-19 22:25:26 +0100, Stephan van den Akker wrote:

> Enquoting values may be done by LO, but lots of third party programs do not.
> Dutch software often produces files with commas for decimal separators and
> other characters as field separators (e.g. semicolons).
> As stupid as this may seem, even software provided by the Dutch government
> (like works like this.
> I'm afraid Calc will be rendered almost useless for Dutch users if un-enquoted
> commas are treated as field separators...

Sounds like a misunderstanding. Nothing changed in CSV import separator
handling, this was solely about a change that in the import dialog
preset checked the Comma as separator for files with extension .csv,
overriding the remembered import options. Which I reverted.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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