Help with fdo#60471

Jan Holesovsky kendy at
Tue Feb 12 11:58:49 PST 2013

Hi Marcos,

Marcos Souza píše v Út 12. 02. 2013 v 16:04 -0200:

> I was trying to solve this issue, but I need some code pointers...
> Can you guys point to me some places to start?

Yes - so please rebuild svgio with debugging info (make svgio.clean ;
make debug=true svgio), and when you open the presentation from the bug,
it seems to produce:

warn:legacy.osl:52198:1:svgio/source/svguno/xsvgparser.cxx:147: Parse
error (!)

I guess it might be related - I'd put a breakpoint in


and I'd try to catch the exception that is being thrown there during the
parsing - hopefully that will lead you to the cause; if not, please poke
for more pointers :-)

All the best,

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