[GSOC]Slide Layout Extendibility :Weekly Report #3

Vishv Brahmbhatt vishvbrahmbhatt19 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 08:40:35 PDT 2013

Hello Everyone,
In the beginning of the week,I was able to complete the required changes in
XML parser function(for extracting slide layout information).

But,after that I was caught up with the unit-test error(related to
configuration XML file) for rest of the 4 days.It seemed to me as a bug in
the unit-test process,because in-spite of having made proper entry in the
"Package_unittest.mk" and  "layoutlist.xml"  being  added at "unit-test"
file-path,the error came up(with wrongly generated path). I have already
posted my question to mailing-list
I am thankful for the reply from Markus.
And I will soon resolve this error with appropriate guidance and discussion
on mailing-list/ IRC.

As of now ,I have moved ahead with addition of some new layouts to
"layoutlist.xml". I will peak up more speed from now on-wards.

Also for the current status:
+ I pushed one commit with required changes(last week).
+ XML parser works in-spite of unit-test errors.
+ So information from configuration XML file "layoutlist.xml" is
extracted perfectly.

Thanks & Regards,
Vishv Brahmbhatt

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Vishv Brahmbhatt <
vishvbrahmbhatt19 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Here is the  Link<http://vishvbrahmbhatt.wordpress.com/2013/07/01/slide-layout-extendibility-weekly-report-2/>
> to my blog for the weekly report update.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vishv Brahmbhatt
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Vishv Brahmbhatt <
> vishvbrahmbhatt19 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Before the beginning of  this week ,I was debugging on impress slide
>> layouts.Basically,I got to understand the mechanism of creation of slide
>> layouts in the "normal" page,in the master pages like "notes" and "handout"
>> and much more.
>> Currently in the slide layouts, Placeholder object's
>> height,width,position are hard-coded. So,I did following things during this
>> week:
>> +So at first ,I started with creation of XML file  which stores following
>> information:
>> (1) Layout Type
>> (2) "PresObj" Kind
>> (3) Position co-ordinates of "PresObj"
>> (4) Size of "PreObj"(Width and Height)
>> + I have started coding XML parser, which will read this information from
>> XML file and set the appropriate parameters in the function
>> "CalcAutoLayoutRectangles" (This function  calculates/sets  the Top
>> Position,Height and Width of Rectangle "PresObj" used.) And this will
>> parser will help in bringing configurability with Slide Layouts.
>> + So XML parser should be fully completed, probably by "Monday" or
>> "Tuesday"(mostly it should get completed by this weekend).
>> + Next week,I will work on  understanding "Slide Mater View" and  on
>> using "Slide Mater View" to edit the current built-in layouts.
>> Regards,
>> Vishv Brahmbhatt
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