OSX Daily Builds

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at gmail.com
Sun Jul 21 14:32:53 PDT 2013

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Andrzej J. R. Hunt <andrzej at ahunt.org> wrote:
> I'd be willing to set mine up to do daily uploads if desired -- it
> currently only builds master, but I could easily set up 4.0 and 4.1 if
> appropriate (it's a fairly slow box so I guess more useful for doing
> daily builds than as a tinderbox for master) -- it's 64 bit and builds
> with the 10.7 sdk at the moment, is it worthwhile setting up 10.6
> instead for this purpose?

10.7 would be fine of a daily build.. you are going to have a hard
time building a 10.6 if you haev a 10.8 box :-)

to upload you will need to be set-up with a ssh key to gimli...
First it would be good to have it set up as a regular tinderbox,even
if it build once a day, with repporting to the tinderbox website
that way we can take a look at the settings and how well it behave for
a while...

> Also, I assume I'd need to get permissions / certificates set up by
> someone in order to be able to do the actual uploads? (Similarly is it
> desired for random people to add to gerrit buildbot capacity -- I
> originally had --mode fair enabled but noticed that I'm just given an
> error message about not being able to view the Queue or List.)

To do gerrit build, one need to have a special user in gerrit created
and assigned to it..
typically the user is tb<id> where id is the tinderbox id assigned in

For this also, I'd rather see that box operate for a while as regular
tinderbox, so we can iron out the operational/setup kinks


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