Doubt about OpenSymbol and Math

Marcos Souza at
Mon Jun 3 19:03:08 PDT 2013


Em 06/03/2013 10:45 PM, Rodolfo escreveu:
> Marcos,
> IMO first thing to do is to check if the symbol already exists in the
> OpenSymbol.
> Maybe you just need to create interface stuff
> The better commit to learn how to add new symbols is this:
> (new symbols in font and how to setup tool/buttons)
Yeah, seems to be a nice example!
> About the replacement of OpenSymbol with STIX (not XTIS ;) there were
Sorry, this is XITS(

> a discussion about that a loooong time ago:
Thanks for the reference :)

> For editing/creating a font, try to use FontForge :
> I hope I helped you.
Yes, you did :)

I never used fontforge, and I need to take a look at this, but don't you 
think that editing OpenSymbol is a little painful? I believe we need 
something more flexible. If we can do this, a new Math can born, with 
more Symbols, maybe have a section with expressions, like Baskara and 
some other things.

Maybe take the ideia of Caolan and make some scripts to test if we the 
matrics are the same in both fonts...?

> Regards.
> 2013/6/3 Marcos Souza < at>:
>> Hi LO guys,
>> Some after looking at all Math bugs(I looked at AOO bugs too), I saw
>> something interesting:
>> About 30 % of bugs are about Symbols. Someone asking to put new symbols,
>> another guys asking about a "Symbol manager" to add new symbols by UI and
>> more.
>> So, I saw this commit of Olivier:
>> adding new symbols...
>> So, this is a "little unfriendly" way to add new symbols :)
>> My questions are: How can we manage this, there is another way to add new
>> symbols? This OpenSymbol is still necessary? Can we change this to another
>> fonts, like XTIS or another?
>> Thanks since now!
>> (If I said something wrong here please forgive me, I'm trying to help ^^')
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