Wizard Integration

Matúš Kukan matus.kukan at gmail.com
Wed May 1 05:59:24 PDT 2013


On 30 April 2013 17:16, Jorge Luis Roque Alvarez <jlalvarez at uci.cu> wrote:
> Iam new in LO Development, i wrote an small wizard in java .... i notice that the defaults wizards are been migrated to python but i still want to include it in my local LO since it will of great help for me.

If it could be useful for others too, I think you can include it in
Libreoffice if you want, even if it's written in java.

> Can anyone give some advised or a quick tutorial of the steps i should follow to include my wizard in my currently installed LO or in my local LO source(clone from here http://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/core.git) to be build later.

Hm, how do you run the wizard currently?
I am not an expert at all, but probably you want to add something into
Check <node oor:name="Wizard">

Then create component file similar to
add it to postprocess/Rdb_services.mk
and implement class similar to
wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/CallWizard.java I think?

Does this help ?
Or maybe someone else could step in.



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