Killing the gerrit to dev-list spam ...

Bjoern Michaelsen bjoern.michaelsen at
Thu May 2 11:42:38 PDT 2013

On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 05:39:56PM +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Devil's advocate question: with that two-list proposal, where to
> discuss a given patch? ;)

IMHO wherever the patch was proposed:
- If proposed on gerrit, it should be discussed on gerrit
- If proposed on the dev-ML, it should be discussed on the dev-ML

Part of the trouble is, that right now comments on gerrit dont get pumped to
the ML -- only the initial proposed change. So on a separate list we could fix
that and also forwards comments (modulo buildbot spam, I guess). In that case
the separate list would be a complete read-only representation of activity on

A possiblity to add a comment to a change via email is possible in theory, if
someone wants to invest the time to make that reality, Im not directly opposed
to it. Given the annoying experiences with bugzilla mail replies, I would
require such a thing to do some testing on the reply and e.g. reject it, if it
does fullquotes or somesuch (or mercilessly reformats the message, cutting
quotes etc.)



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