New Tags on BSA

Robinson Tryon bishop.robinson at
Mon May 6 11:26:50 PDT 2013

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Joel Madero < at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just a warning that some edits to our wiki seems to have broken our ability
> to update BSA. Rob and Robinson are actively trying to solve the problem but
> it could be an issue with upcoming release.
> I will keep everyone up to date (or Robinson/Rob can reply and let us all
> know the status). I think this is a major priority to get solved before
> release - apologies that I don't understand the code enough to contribute,
> hopefully it's not a major problem.

If someone can give me a pointer on how to use XSL to pull out one DIV
each from N pages and shove them into a single page, then I think
we'll be all set. The XSL documentation seems a bit dense...

> P.S. Robinson - would reverting changes to wiki be best solution until it's
> solved? Or you think this will be taken care of in the next few days?

I can hack together a wiki page that transcludes a bunch of other wiki
pages, and I think that would do just fine, but I'd view that as just
a temporary solution...


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