hints asked for fdo#59727

Eike Rathke erack at redhat.com
Tue May 7 04:14:57 PDT 2013

Hi Winfried,

On Thursday, 2013-05-02 12:24:42 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:

> > Only if the .xlsx was saved with Calc 4.0, then the file contains
> > com.sun.star.sheet.addin.DateFunctions.getDiffMonths, an original file
> > containing MONTHS() also does not work though, the MONTHS is not
> > recognized hence displayed as lowercase months. Seems to be a specific
> > problem with Add-In functions.
> There are more problems with the add-in functions, see attachments with bug 59727.

I assumed so..

> > But, since this does not seem to happen for all Add-In functions I suspect
> > something else to be the culprit, maybe in the mappings/flags of the Excel
> > import/export function name maps.
> Given the large number of misbehaviour with add-in functions, I seek some more advice before I start digging in the code.
> I have summarised the misbehaviours I noticed in comment 8 of the bug
> > 
> > If you get stuck with it I'd take over.
> I'm not stuck (yet), but don't know where to begin...

There are several places where things could go wrong..

* sc/source/core/tool/odffmap.cxx
  the entries should be correct, but the content is used in ScCompiler
  to populate the OpCodeMap lists in sc/source/core/tool/compiler.cxx

* the FormulaGrammar::Grammar set at ScCompiler might be wrong, which is
  used to determine the map to be used

* a mapping in sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx might be wrong

* the corresponding name is not found in the AddInCollection (unlikely)

I'd start by setting a breakpoint in
FormulaCompiler::CreateStringFromToken() for case svExternal and step
through to see what is actually executed and which map is used and
where/how it was initialized.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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