fdo#41572 Making it possible to add custom animation to master slides

Janit Anjaria janit92 at gmail.com
Fri May 24 12:42:10 PDT 2013

This seems to be a long awaited question i have been having in mind. As Tor
mentioned the name i dont think is a big deal for the header here,but what
i think is i need to understand the thing i asked earlier ,regarding the
matter at Line #148 . So it would be great if someone can help me out with


On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 6:17 PM, Janit Anjaria <janit92 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Thorsten!!!
> I obviously know that my work is solely based on self-interest....it was
> just a way to answer Tor,and hence I am sure you know the way we have been
> working out this project since some time :) . This email is basically
> intended to let you know the progress of my work for the patch(as per what
> we had talked on the IRC that day) And it would be great if you could help
> me out with the same so we can surely continue our enthusiastic work
> towards the task .....
> Hope this find you in good health.
> Regards,
> Janit
> On Tuesday, May 14, 2013, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
>> Janit Anjaria wrote:
>> > It is actually a GSoC Task and i know it is a little early but
>> > Thorsten thinks starting a little early would surely help because
>> > this feature is something we dont want to compromise and more the
>> > time,better it is...
>> >
>> Hi Janit, all,
>> just to make one thing very clear - GSoC students will be announced
>> Monday, May 27th, and it is at Google's sole discretion. Starting to
>> work on tasks before is well appreciated, but it does in no event
>> forestall or predetermine the student selection process. ;)
>> Kind regards,
>> -- Thorsten
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