Can't access logerrit buildbot logs

Florian Effenberger floeff at
Mon Oct 7 12:04:50 PDT 2013


d.ostrovsky at wrote on 2013-10-07 14:32:

> thanks for fixing that. Buildbot-Log at Jenkins is reachable again.

kudos to Alex then, seems he was fast. :-)

> That's because Buildbot-logs deployment on VM4 was a temporary solution.
> The plan was to move that Jenkins instance to a new VM.
>> if that has changed, please notify hostmaster at tdf
> Nope it didn't, unless we redefine VM4 as production VM.

Ok, so I keep it as testing. A new instance should be in KVM anyways, 
not in LXC as vm4.

If there's anything you need, let me know.


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